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Steven Sweeney is the protagonist of the second book in the Goosebumps Hall of Horrors book series Night of the Giant Everything.


Steven Sweeney is a wannabe magician who ropes in his friends Ava Munroe and Courtney Jackson into being his assistants for his big act at the school talent show. Eventually the two get tired of Steven's antics and promise to get revenge on him. Steven is also taking piano lessons from his teacher Mr. Pinker, who bakes big cookies for the kids he teaches. On one of his lessons, Steven discovers a room in Mr. Pinker's house with a model town. His parents also found a parrot-sized brown bird named Bugsy which kisses Steven.

At the magic act, Steven is given something to drink by Ava and Courtney, which tastes sour and hot, which makes Steven think he was poisoned. Not long after returning home, Steven starts to notice things getting strange until he starts to realize that he's shrinking, shrinking down to the size of a doll. He finds some doll clothes and makes the harrowing journey to the outside of his house, but not before dealing with a vicious spider that gets eaten by Bugsy.

Believing it to be Ava and Courtney's doing, he makes it to Ava's house where he is almost stepped on by Ava. But when he gets her to recognize him, she tells Steven that the only thing they gave Steven was vinegar. Steven suddenly gets blown out the window. After hitching a ride on an owl, he heads to Mr. Pinker's house, believing it was something in the cookies that Pinker had baked for him earlier. However, he ends up falling into Mr. Pinker's cookie tray and almost shoved in the oven before Mr. Pinker saves him. But he also reveals that he had nothing to do with shrinking Steven.

When Steven makes it back home, he is taken by a pair of scientists named Dr. Markum and Dr. Beach who reveal that it was Bugsy who shrunk him. It turns out that Bugsy was a hawk that was exposed to a shrinking agent, and contact with its saliva shrinks whatever it touches. Markum and Beach then reveal they have no idea how to unshrink Steven and are keeping him in their lab to keep this from being made public. While in a birdcage with a giant canary, Steven has the canary lick him which causes him to return to normal size. He celebrates, only for Bugsy to lick him once again. Steven then heads to HorrorLand to stay in the Hall of Horrors. The Story-Keeper has Steven put in a drawer.

General Information[]


Steven is a good-natured kid who loves magic. However, his love of magic can get annoying, especially when he continues to bother Ava and Courtney.

Physical Appearance[]

Pre-shrunk, Steven is about average height with long, stringy black hair. He wears t-shirts with jeans and trainers.

When he was shrunk, Steven wore dolls clothes taken off his cousin’s Ken doll, and shoes taken off his puppet.


  • Steven’s father is a pediatric surgeon while his mother was a former jazz pianist.
  • Steven’s clown puppet bears a resemblance to Droopy, a clown puppet owned by Jonathan Chiller when he was a child in that they’re both clowns dressed in red.