Goosebumps Wiki


The following is a list of characters from Night of the Giant Everything in the order they are mentioned or appear.

This page contains spoilers! Do not read this before finishing the story.


Character Description

The person who runs the Hall of Horrors, where kids come to tell their scary stories.
Steven Sweeney

The protagonist and narrator. He is into magic but tends to screw up his tricks, to the annoyance of his friends.
Ava Munroe and Courtney Jackson

Steven's friends, who get annoyed at how often he fails his tricks. Ava is the tallest girl in school, and Courtney is African-American.
Mr. Pinker

Steven's piano teacher. He bakes cookies for his students.

A bird that Steven's parents found. He's about the size of a parrot, but looks more like a baby hawk.
Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney

Steven's parents. Mom used to be a singer, and Dad is a pediatric surgeon.

A Spider that Steven faces, until Bugsy eats it.
Dr. Marcum and Dr. Beach

Two scientists. They created the shrinking hormone that led to Bugsy becoming small, and it was Bugsy licking Steven that caused him to shrink.

A bird in Dr. Marcum and Dr. Beach’s lab. It is a colossal sized canary from growth hormone, seeming even more to the tiny Steven. It is in the cage next to Steven’s, and is how Steven returned to full size and escaped from the lab.
Monica Anderson

A girl who enters the Hall of Horrors, with a story involving a scary mask she is holding.