The european Spanish releases of Goosebumps, known as Pesadillas (which means Nightmares), were released in Spain between the years 1995 and 1999 by the publishing house Ediciones B. The series features 60 books from the original series.
List of Books[]
No. | Book | Title | Publish date |
1 |
Un Día en Horrorlandia
A Day in HorrorLand |
October 1, 1995 |
2 | The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight |
Los Espantapájaros Andan a Medianoche
The Scarecrows Walk at Midnight |
October 1, 1995 |
3 |
Peligro en las Profundidades
Danger in the Deep |
October 1, 1995 |
4 |
La Casa De la Muerte
The House of Death |
October 1, 1995 |
5 |
¡No Bajes al Sótano!
Don't Go Down to the Basement! |
October 1, 1995 |
6 |
La Sonrisa de la Muerte
The Smile of Death |
October 1, 1995 |
7 |
Sangre de Monstruo
Monster Blood |
October 1, 1995 |
8 |
Invisible! |
October 1, 1995 |
9 |
Terror en la Biblioteca
Terror in the Library |
January 1, 1996 |
10 |
Pánico en el Campamento
Panic in the Camp |
February 1, 1996 |
11 |
Visita Aterradora
Terrifying Visit |
April 1, 1996 |
12 |
La Máscara Maldita
The Cursed Mask |
April 1, 1996 |
13 |
Melodía Siniestra
Sinister Melody |
May 1, 1996 |
14 |
La Repugnante Cara del Terror
The Disgusting Face of Terror |
June 1, 1996 |
15 |
Mutación Fatal
Fatal Mutation |
July 1, 1996 |
16 |
Sangre de Monstruo II
Monster Blood II |
September 1, 1996 |
17 |
El Ataque del Mutante
Attack of the Mutant |
October 1, 1996 |
18 |
Aventura Espeluznante
Spooky Adventure |
November 1, 1996 |
19 |
Noche en la Torre del Terror
Night at the Tower of Terror |
November 1, 1996 |
20 |
El Cuco Maldito
The Cursed Cuckoo |
November 1, 1996 |
21 |
Sangre de Monstruo III
Monster Blood III |
November 1, 1996 |
22 | It Came from Beneath the Sink! |
¡Hay Algo Vivo!
There's Something Alive! |
November 1, 1996 |
23 |
El Fantasma Aullador
The Howling Ghost |
January 1, 1997 |
24 |
Horror en Jellyjam
Horror in Jellyjam |
January 1, 1997 |
25 |
La Noche del Muñeco Viviente
The Night of the Living Doll |
January 1, 1997 |
26 |
La Venganza de los Gnomos
Revenge of the Gnomes |
January 1, 1997 |
27 |
La Máscara Maldita II
The Cursed Mask II |
January 1, 1997 |
28 |
La Cabeza Reducida
The Shrunken Head |
January 1, 1997 |
29 |
La Noche del Muñeco Vivente II
The Night of the Living Doll II |
January 1, 1997 |
30 | Be Careful What You Wish For... |
Deseos Peligrosos
Dangerous Wishes |
January 1, 1997 |
31 |
El Hombre Lobo del Pantano
The Werewolf of the Swamp |
January 1, 1997 |
32 |
La Playa del Fantasma
The Beach of the Ghost |
January 1, 1997 |
33 |
El Retorno de la Momia
The Return of the Mummy |
January 1, 1997 |
34 |
El Fantasma del Auditorio
The Phantom of the Auditorium |
January 1, 1997 |
35 |
Pánico en la Calle del Miedo
Panic in the Street of Fear |
January 1, 1997 |
36 |
El Fantasma sin Cabeza
The Headless Ghost |
January 1, 1997 |
37 | The Abominable Snowman of Pasadena |
El Abominable Hombre de las Nieves
The Abominable Snowman |
January 1, 1997 |
38 |
La Noche del Muñeco Vivente III
The Night of the Living Doll III |
January 1, 1997 |
39 |
El Mago Diabólico
The Diabolical Magician |
January 1, 1997 |
40 |
Monstruos de Marte
Mars Monsters |
January 1, 1998 |
41 |
¡Sálvese Quien Pueda!
Run for Your Lives! |
January 1, 1998 |
42 |
La Otra Sonrisa de la Muerte
The Other Smile of Death |
January 1, 1998 |
43 |
Campamento Espectral
Spectral Camp |
January 1, 1998 |
44 |
Cómo Matar a un Monstruo
How to Kill a Monster |
January 1, 1998 |
45 |
La Leyenda Perdida
The Lost Legend |
January 1, 1998 |
46 | Attack of the Jack-O'-Lanterns |
La Venganza de Halloween
Halloween's Revenge |
January 1, 1998 |
47 |
Aliento de Vampiro
Vampire Breath |
January 1, 1998 |
48 |
¡Llamada a los Bichos Raros!
Calling All Weirdos! |
January 1, 1998 |
49 |
Cuidado con el Muñeco de Nieve!
Beware of the Snowman! |
January 1, 1998 |
50 |
Cómo Aprendí a Volar
How I Learned to Fly |
October 2, 1998 |
51 |
Los Labios de Crystal
The Lips of Crystal |
October 2, 1998 |
52 |
No te Vayas a Dormir
Don't Go to Sleep |
November 1, 1998 |
53 |
El Monstruo Baboso
The Slimy Monster |
January 26, 1999 |
54 |
El Campamento del Lago Maldito
The Camp of the Cursed Lake |
March 2, 1999 |
55 |
Mi Mejor Amigo Es Invisible
My Best Friend Is Invisible |
April 1, 1999 |
56 |
Peligro en las Profundidades II
Danger in the Deep II |
May 2, 1999 |
57 |
La Escuela Embrujada
The Haunted School |
May 15, 1999 |
58 |
El Misterio de los Hombres Lobos
The Mystery of the Werewolves |
June 10, 1999 |
59 |
El Monstruo del Sótano
The Monster of the Basement |
July 2, 1999 |
60 |
Sangre de Monstruo IV
Monster Blood IV |
July 2, 1999 |
- One Day at HorrorLand
- The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight
- Deep Trouble
- Welcome to Dead House
- Stay Out of the Basement
- Say Cheese and Die!
- Monster Blood
- Let's Get Invisible!
- The Girl Who Cried Monster
- Welcome to Camp Nightmare
- The Ghost Next Door
- The Haunted Mask
- Piano Lessons Can Be Murder
- You Can't Scare Me!
- Why I'm Afraid of Bees
- Monster Blood II
- Attack of the Mutant
- My Hairiest Adventure
- A Night in Terror Tower
- The Cuckoo Clock of Doom
- Monster Blood III
- It Came from Beneath the Sink!
- The Barking Ghost
- The Horror at Camp Jellyjam
- Night of the Living Dummy
- Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes
- The Haunted Mask II
- How I Got My Shrunken Head
- Night of the Living Dummy II
- Be Careful What You Wish For...
- The Werewolf of Fever Swamp
- Ghost Beach
- Return of the Mummy
- Phantom of the Auditorium
- A Shocker on Shock Street
- The Headless Ghost
- The Abominable Snowman of Pasadena
- Night of the Living Dummy III
- Bad Hare Day
- Egg Monsters from Mars
- The Beast from the East
- Say Cheese and Die — Again!
- Ghost Camp
- How to Kill a Monster
- Legend of the Lost Legend
- Attack of the Jack-O'-Lanterns
- Vampire Breath
- Calling All Creeps!
- Beware, the Snowman
- How I Learned to Fly
- Chicken Chicken
- Don't Go to Sleep!
- The Blob That Ate Everyone
- The Curse of Camp Cold Lake
- My Best Friend Is Invisible
- Deep Trouble II
- The Haunted School
- Werewolf Skin
- I Live in Your Basement!
- Monster Blood IV
Pesadillas Serie 2000[]
List of Books[]
No. | Book | Title | Publish date |
1 |
El Aullido del Gato
The Howl of the Cat |
2 |
La Novia del Muñeco Viviente
The Bride of the Living Doll |
3 |
Una Profesora Bestial
A Beastly Teacher |
4 | Invasion of the Body Squeezers: Part 1 |
La Invasion de Los Estrujadores (I)
The Invasion of the Crushers (I) |
October 25, 1999 |
5 | Invasion of the Body Squeezers: Part 2 |
La Invasion de Los Estrujadores (II)
The Invasion of the Crushers (II) |
December 2, 1999 |
6 |
El Gemelo Perverso
The Evil Twin |
7 |
Venganzas, S. A.
Revenge, S.A. |
April 2, 2000 |
8 |
El Campamento del Terror
The Camp of Terror |
April 12, 2000 |
9 |
¿Tienes Miedo?
Are You Afraid? |
June 2, 2000 |
10 |
Los Monstruos Sin Cabeza
The Headless Monsters |
June 6, 2000 |