The Norwegian releases of Goosebumps, known as Grøsserne, were released in Norway between the years 1995 and 2001. All the 62 books from the Goosebumps original series and the 12 first books from Goosebumps Series 2000 were translated. They were published by the Norwegian publishing house Ex Libris Forlag until it was merged in 2000 with N.W. Damm & Søn (often shortened as Damm). Damm itself also fused with Cappelen in 2007, giving birth to Cappelen Damm.
Grøsserne (1995)[]
List of Books[]
No. | Book | Title | Publish date | Publisher |
1 |
De Dødes Hus
House of the Dead |
1995 | Ex Libris forl. |
2 |
Ligg Unna Kjelleren
Stay Away from the Basement |
1995 | Ex Libris forl. |
3 |
Monster Blood |
1995 | Ex Libris forl. |
4 |
Smil til Døden
Smile to the Death |
1995 | Ex Libris forl. |
5 |
Mumiens Forbannelse
The Mummy's Curse |
1995 | Ex Libris forl. |
6 |
De Usynlige
The Invisible |
1995 | Ex Libris forl. |
7 |
Den Levende Dukken
The Living Doll |
1996 | Ex Libris forl. |
8 |
Jenta Som Ropte Monster
The Girl Who Cried Monster |
1996 | Ex Libris forl. |
9 |
Mareritt på Leiren
Nightmare at the Camp |
1996 | Ex Libris forl. |
10 |
Den Mystiske Naboen
The Mysterious Neighbor |
1996 | Ex Libris forl. |
11 |
Den Forheksede Masken
The Bewitched Mask |
1997 | Ex Libris forl. |
12 | Be Careful What You Wish For... |
Pass På Hva Du Ønsker...
Be Careful What You Wish For... |
1997 | Ex Libris forl. |
13 |
Drepende Pianotimer
Killer Piano Lessons |
1997 | Ex Libris forl. |
14 |
Varulven fra Febersumpene
The Werewolf from Fever Swamp |
1997 | Ex Libris forl. |
15 |
Dere Skremmer Ikke Meg!
You Don't Scare Me! |
1997 | Ex Libris forl. |
16 |
En Dag i Horrorland
A Day in Horrorland |
1997 | Ex Libris forl. |
17 |
Hvorfor Jeg Er Redd for Bier
Why I'm Afraid of Bees |
1997 | Ex Libris forl. |
18 |
Monsterblod 2
Monster Blood 2 |
1997 | Ex Libris forl. |
19 |
Trøbbel på Dypet
Trouble in the Deep |
1998 | Ex Libris forl. |
20 | The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight |
Fugleskremselet Vandrer om Natten
The Scarecrow Walks at Night |
1998 | Ex Libris forl. |
21 |
Spis Mark!
Eat Worms! |
1998 | Ex Libris forl. |
22 |
De Dødes Strand
Beach of the Dead |
1998 | Ex Libris forl. |
23 |
Mumien Vender Tilbake
The Mummy Returns |
1998 | Ex Libris forl. |
24 |
Dødelig Skuespill
Deadly Play |
1998 | Ex Libris forl. |
25 |
Mutanten Angriper
The Mutant Attacks |
1998 | Ex Libris forl. |
26 |
Et Hårete Eventyr
A Hairy Adventure |
1998 | Ex Libris forl. |
27 |
En Natt i Skrekkens Tårn
A Night in the Tower of Terror |
1998 | Ex Libris forl. |
28 |
Gjøkurets Forbannelse
Curse of the Cuckoo |
1998 | Ex Libris forl. |
29 |
Monsterblod 3
Monster Blood 3 |
1998 | Ex Libris forl. |
30 | It Came from Beneath the Sink! |
Det Levde Under Vasken
It Lived Under the Sink |
1999 | Ex Libris forl. |
31 |
Den Levende Dukken 2
The Living Doll 2 |
1999 | Ex Libris forl. |
32 |
Det Bjeffende Spøkelset
The Barking Ghost |
1999 | Ex Libris forl. |
33 |
Guggenheim - Skrekkens Leir
Guggenheim - Camp of Horrors |
1999 | Ex Libris forl. |
34 |
Hagenissenes Hevn
Revenge of the Garden Gnomes |
1999 | Ex Libris forl. |
35 |
Sjokk i Shock Street
Shock in Shock Street |
1999 | Ex Libris forl. |
36 |
Den Forheksede Masken 2
The Bewitched Mask 2 |
1999 | Ex Libris forl. |
37 |
Det Hodeløse Spøkelset
The Headless Ghost |
1999 | Ex Libris forl. |
38 | The Abominable Snowman of Pasadena |
Den Avskyelige Snømannen fra California
The Abominable Snowman from California |
1999 | Ex Libris forl. |
39 |
Det Krympede Hodet
The Shrunken Head |
1999 | Ex Libris forl. |
40 |
Den Levende Dukken 3
The Living Doll 3 |
1999 | Ex Libris forl. |
41 |
Farlig Trylleri
Dangerous Sorcery |
1999 | Ex Libris forl. |
42 |
Eggmonstrene fra Mars
The Egg Monsters from Mars |
1999 | Ex Libris forl. |
43 |
De Blå Beistene
The Blue Beasts |
2000 | Ex Libris forl. |
44 |
Smil til Døden - Igjen!
Smile to the Death - Again! |
2000 | Ex Libris forl. |
45 |
The Ghost Camp |
2000 | Ex Libris forl. |
46 |
Hvordan Drepe et Monster
How to Kill a Monster |
2000 | Ex Libris forl. |
47 |
Den Tapte Legenden
The Lost Legend |
2000 | Damm |
48 | Attack of the Jack-O'-Lanterns |
Gresskarbanden Angriper
The Pumpkin Gang Attacks |
2000 | Damm |
49 |
Vampirespirit |
2000 | Damm |
50 |
Hallo, Alle Fisler
Hello, All Fishers |
2000 | Damm |
51 |
Pass Deg For Snømannen
Watch Out For the Snowman |
2000 | Damm |
52 |
Hvordan Jeg Lærte å Fly
How I Learned to Fly |
2000 | Damm |
53 |
Kylling, Kylling
Chicken, Chicken |
2000 | Damm |
54 |
Du Må Ikke Sovne
You Must Not Fall Asleep |
2000 | Damm |
55 |
Blobben Som Spiste Alt
The Blob That Ate Everything |
2000 | Damm |
56 |
Sommerleirens Forbannelse
The Curse of the Summer Camp |
2001 | Damm |
57 |
Min Usynlige Venn
My Invisible Friend |
2001 | Damm |
58 |
Trøbbel på Dypet 2
Trouble in the Deep 2 |
2001 | Damm |
59 |
The Ghost School |
2001 | Damm |
60 |
The Werewolf Fur |
2001 | Damm |
61 |
Jeg bor i kjelleren!
I Live in the Basement! |
2001 | Damm |
62 |
Monsterblod 4
Monster Blood 4 |
2001 | Damm |
- Welcome to Dead House
- Stay Out of the Basement
- Monster Blood
- Say Cheese and Die!
- The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb
- Let's Get Invisible!
- Night of the Living Dummy
- The Girl Who Cried Monster
- Welcome to Camp Nightmare
- The Ghost Next Door
- The Haunted Mask
- Be Careful What You Wish For...
- Piano Lessons Can Be Murder
- The Werewolf of Fever Swamp
- You Can't Scare Me!
- One Day at HorrorLand
- Why I'm Afraid of Bees
- Monster Blood II
- Deep Trouble
- The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight
- Go Eat Worms!
- Ghost Beach
- Return of the Mummy
- Phantom of the Auditorium
- Attack of the Mutant
- My Hairiest Adventure
- A Night in Terror Tower
- The Cuckoo Clock of Doom
- Monster Blood III
- It Came from Beneath the Sink!
- Night of the Living Dummy II
- The Barking Ghost
- The Horror at Camp Jellyjam
- Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes
- A Shocker on Shock Street
- The Haunted Mask II
- The Headless Ghost
- The Abominable Snowman of Pasadena
- How I Got My Shrunken Head
- Night of the Living Dummy III
- Bad Hare Day
- Egg Monsters from Mars
- The Beast from the East
- Say Cheese and Die — Again!
- Ghost Camp
- How to Kill a Monster
- Legend of the Lost Legend
- Attack of the Jack-O'-Lanterns
- Vampire Breath
- Calling All Creeps!
- Beware, the Snowman
- How I Learned to Fly
- Chicken Chicken
- Don't Go to Sleep!
- The Blob That Ate Everyone
- The Curse of Camp Cold Lake
- My Best Friend Is Invisible
- Deep Trouble II
- The Haunted School
- Werewolf Skin
- I Live in Your Basement!
- Monster Blood IV
Grøsserne Series 2000/2001[]
List of Books[]
No. | Book | Title | Name of the Series | Publish date |
1 |
Den Hylende Katten
The Howling Cat |
Grøsserne Series 2000 | 2000 |
2 |
Den Levende Dukkens Kone
The Living Doll's Wife |
Grøsserne Series 2000 | 2000 |
3 |
Monster Teacher |
Grøsserne Series 2000 | 2000 |
4 | Invasion of the Body Squeezers: Part 1 |
Invasjon Utenfra Del 1
Invasion From Outside Part 1 |
Grøsserne Series 2000 | 2000 |
5 | Invasion of the Body Squeezers: Part 2 |
Invasjon Utenfra Del 2
Invasion From Outside Part 2 |
Grøsserne Series 2000 | 2000 |
6 |
Ond Dobbeltgjenger
Evil Doppleganger |
Grøsserne Series 2001 | 2001 |
7 |
H for Hevn
R for Revenge |
Grøsserne Series 2001 | 2001 |
8 |
Fæle Tider
Horrible Times |
Grøsserne Series 2001 | 2001 |
9 |
Blir Du Redd?
Are You Scared? |
Grøsserne Series 2001 | 2001 |
10 |
Hodeløs Halloween
Headless Halloween |
Grøsserne Series 2001 | 2001 |
11 | Attack of the Graveyard Ghouls |
Gravlundens Onde Ånder
The Graveyard's Evil Spirits |
Grøsserne Series 2001 | 2001 |
12 |
Brain Dry |
Grøsserne Series 2001 | 2001 |
Grøssernes Mysterier[]
List of Books[]
No. | Book | Title | Publish date | Publisher |
1 | Escape from the Carnival of Horrors |
Flukten fra Skrekkens Tivoli
Escape from the Funfair of Horrors |
1998 | Ex Libris forl. |
2 |
Tikk-Takk, Du Er Død!
Tick Tock, You Are Dead! |
1998 | Ex Libris forl. |
3 |
Fanget i Flaggermusborgen
Caught in the Bat Castle |
1998 | Ex Libris forl. |
4 | The Deadly Experiments of Dr. Eeek |
Doktor Eeeks Grøssende Eksperimenter
Dr. Eeek's Gruesome Experiments |
1998 | Ex Libris forl. |
5 |
Natt i Varulvskogen
Night in the Werewolf Forest |
1998 | Ex Libris forl. |
6 | Beware of the Purple Peanut Butter |
Pass Deg For det Lilla Peanøttsmøret
Watch out for the Purple Peanut Butter |
1998 | Ex Libris forl. |
7 |
Tryllekunstnerens Onde Triks
The Magician's Evil Tricks |
1999 | Ex Libris forl. |
8 | The Curse of the Creeping Coffin |
Spøkelsene på Kirkegården
The Ghosts in the Cemetery |
1999 | Ex Libris forl. |
9 |
Den Skrikende Rustningen
The Screaming Armor |
1999 | Ex Libris forl. |
10 |
Mumiens Dagbok
Mummy's Diary |
1999 | Ex Libris forl. |
11 |
Den Forheksede Jungelen
The Bewitched Jungle |
1999 | Ex Libris forl. |
12 | Welcome to the Wicked Wax Museum |
Det Onde Vokskabinettet
The Evil Wax Cabinet |
1999 | Ex Libris forl. |
13 |
Ånden i Brusen
The Spirit in the Soda |
1999 | Ex Libris forl. |
14 | The Creepy Creations of Professor Shock |
Professor Shocks Magiske Verden
Professor Shock's Magical World |
1999 | Ex Libris forl. |
15 | Please Don't Feed the Vampire! |
Ikke Mat Vampyren!
Don't Feed the Vampire! |
1999 | Ex Libris forl. |
16 |
Hvem Er Egentlig Bestemor?
Who Is Really Grandma? |
1999 | Ex Libris forl. |
17 |
Skrekkens Lekebutikk
The Toy Shop of Horrors |
1999 | Ex Libris forl. |
18 | Attack of the Beastly Baby-Sitter |
Den Råtne Barnevakten
The Rotten Babysitter |
1999 | Ex Libris forl. |
19 | Escape from Camp Run-For-Your-Life |
Flukten fra Skrekkens Leir
Escape from the Camp of Horrors |
1999 | Ex Libris forl. |
20 | Toy Terror: Batteries Included |
Farlig Leketøy
Dangerous Toy |
2000 | Ex Libris forl. |
21 | The Twisted Tale of Tiki Island |
Den Forheksede Øya
The Bewitched Island |
2000 | Ex Libris forl. |
22 | Return to the Carnival of Horrors |
Tilbake til Skrekkens Tivoli
Back to the Funfair of Horrors |
2000 | Ex Libris forl. |
23 |
Høyt Spill i Verdensrommet
High Stakes in Space |
2000 | Damm |
24 |
Spøkelset i Sumpene
The Ghost in the Swamps |
2000 | Damm |
25 |
Varehusets Redsler
The Horrors of the Department Store |
2000 | Damm |
26 |
Alene i Slangenes Dal
Alone in the Valley of Snakes |
2000 | Damm |
- Escape from the Carnival of Horrors
- Tick Tock, You're Dead!
- Trapped in Bat Wing Hall
- The Deadly Experiments of Dr. Eeek
- Night in Werewolf Woods
- Beware of the Purple Peanut Butter
- Under the Magician's Spell
- The Curse of the Creeping Coffin
- The Knight in Screaming Armor
- Diary of a Mad Mummy
- Deep in the Jungle of Doom
- Welcome to the Wicked Wax Museum
- Scream of the Evil Genie
- The Creepy Creations of Professor Shock
- Please Don't Feed the Vampire!
- Secret Agent Grandma
- Little Comic Shop of Horrors
- Attack of the Beastly Baby-Sitter
- Escape from Camp Run-For-Your-Life
- Toy Terror: Batteries Included
- The Twisted Tale of Tiki Island
- Return to the Carnival of Horrors
- Zapped in Space
- Lost in Stinkeye Swamp
- Shop Till You Drop...Dead!
- Alone in Snakebite Canyon
- The Norwegian cover arts for Welcome to the Wicked Wax Museum and Please Don't Feed the Vampire! don't seem to exist anywhere in digital format. Nevertheless, it can be assumed that, like the rest of the collection, they use the illustration of Mark Nagata.
Gi Deg Selv Skrekksjokk[]
List of Books[]
No. | Book | Title | Publish date | Publisher |
1 | Escape from Camp Run-For-Your-Life |
Flykt fra Skrekkens Sommerleir
Escape from the Summer Camp of Horror |
2017 | Juritzen Jr |
2 | Attack of the Beastly Baby-Sitter |
Verdens Mest Råtne Barnevakt
The World's Most Rotten Babysitter |
2017 | Juritzen Jr |
3 | Toy Terror: Batteries Included |
Lekenes Terrorangrep!
The Toys' Terror Attack! |
2017 | Juritzen Jr |
4 | Please Don't Feed the Vampire! |
Pass Deg for Vampyrene!
Beware of the Vampires! |
2017 | Juritzen Jr |
Grøsserne (2023)[]
List of Books[]
No. | Book | Title | Publish date | Publisher |
1 |
De Dødes Hus
House of the Dead |
2023 | Cappelen Damm |
2 |
Ligg Unna Kjelleren
Stay Away from the Basement |
2023 | Cappelen Damm |
3 |
Monster Blood |
2023 | Cappelen Damm |
4 |
Smil til Døden
Smile to the Death |
2023 | Cappelen Damm |
5 |
Mumiens Forbannelse
The Mummy's Curse |
May 9, 2023 | Cappelen Damm |
6 |
De Usynlige
The Invisible |
May 9, 2023 | Cappelen Damm |
7 |
Den Levende Dukken
The Living Doll |
2023 | Cappelen Damm |
8 |
Jenta Som Ropte Monster
The Girl Who Cried Monster |
2023 | Cappelen Damm |