Goosebumps Wiki

The French releases of Goosebumps, known as Chair de Poule, were released in France between the years 1995 and 2001. There were 74 books released in total, which spanned between the original series and Series 2000. One of the books featured stories from the Goosebumps Haunted Library and a second featured several stories compiled from the first three Tales to Give You Goosebumps books. Another series, Chair De Poule Illustré, featured single stories from several Tales to Give You Goosebumps books. Cover illustrations were provided by four artists: Henri Galeron, Gérard Failly, Jean-Michel Nicollet and Jean-Philippe Chabot.

List of Books[]

No. Book Title Publish date

The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb

La Malédiction de la Momie

The Curse of the Mummy

March 23, 1995

Night of the Living Dummy

La Nuit des pantins

The Night of the Dummies

March 23, 1995

Say Cheese and Die!

Dangereuses Photos

Dangerous Pictures

March 23, 1995

Let's Get Invisible!

Prisonniers du Miroir

Prisoners of the Mirror

March 23, 1995

Why I'm Afraid of Bees

Méfiez-vous des Abeilles! / La Vengeance des Insectes

Beware of Bees! / Revenge of the Bugs

March 23, 1995

Welcome to Dead House

La Maison des morts

The House of the Dead

March 23, 1995

Deep Trouble

Baignade Interdite

No Swimming

June 14, 1995

Ghost Beach

Le Fantôme de la Plage / Le Fantôme de la Grotte

The Ghost of the Beach / The Ghost of the Cave

June 14, 1995

The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight

Les Épouvantails de minuit

The Scarecrows of Midnight

September 6, 1995

Welcome to Camp Nightmare

Bienvenue au camp de la peur / La Colo de la peur

Welcome to the Camp of Fear / The Camp of Fear

November 14, 1995

The Haunted Mask

Le Masque hanté

The Haunted Mask

November 14, 1995

Phantom of the Auditorium

Le Fantôme de l'auditorium

The Phantom of the Auditorium

December 5, 1995

The Werewolf of Fever Swamp

Le Loup-garou des marécages

The Werewolf of the Swamps

January 23, 1996

Night of the Living Dummy II

Le Pantin maléfique

The Evil Dummy

February 22, 1996

Attack of the Mutant

L'Attaque du mutant

Attack of the Mutant

March 22, 1996

The Ghost Next Door

Le Fantôme d'à côté

The Ghost Next Door

April 12, 1996

Stay Out of the Basement

Sous-sol interdit

Forbidden Basement

May 14, 1996

A Night in Terror Tower

La Tour de la terreur

The Tower of Terror

June 13, 1996

Piano Lessons Can Be Murder

Leçons de piano et pièges mortels

Piano Lessons and Deadly Traps

July 2, 1996

Be Careful What You Wish For...

Souhaits dangereux

Dangerous Wishes

September 13, 1996

It Came from Beneath the Sink!

Terreur sous l'évier

Terror Under the Sink

October 15, 1996

Return of the Mummy

La Colère de la momie

Wrath of the Mummy

November 15, 1996

The Haunted Mask II

Le Retour du masque hanté

The Return of the Haunted Mask

December 13, 1996

The Cuckoo Clock of Doom

L'Horloge maudite

The Cursed Clock

January 14, 1997

One Day at HorrorLand

Le Parc de l'horreur

The Horror Park

February 13, 1997

The Girl Who Cried Monster

La Fille qui criait au monstre

The Girl Who Cried Monster

March 13, 1997

How I Got My Shrunken Head

Comment ma tête a rétréci/ Ma tête a rétréci

How My Head Shrunk/ My Head Shrunk

April 11, 1997

A Shocker on Shock Street

La Rue maudite

The Cursed Street

May 14, 1997

The Headless Ghost

Le Fantôme décapité

The Decapitated Ghost

June 11, 1997

My Hairiest Adventure

Alerte aux chiens

Alert to Dogs

July 2, 1997

Say Cheese and Die — Again!

Photos de malheur

Pictures of Misfortune

September 16, 1997

Ghost Camp

Les Fantômes de la colo

The Ghosts of the Camp

October 15, 1997

Legend of the Lost Legend

La Menace de la forêt

The Threat of the Forest

November 14, 1997

How to Kill a Monster

Comment tuer un monstre

How to Kill a Monster

December 2, 1997

Bad Hare Day

Le Coup du lapin

The Coup of the Rabbit

January 14, 1998

The Beast from the East

Jeux de monstres

Games of Monsters

February 12, 1998

Don't Go to Sleep!

Nuits de cauchemar

Nightmare Nights

March 13, 1998

Calling All Creeps!

Des appels monstrueux

Monstrous Calls

April 14, 1998

Vampire Breath

Le Souffle du vampire

The Vampire Breath

May 6, 1998

Go Eat Worms!

Les vers contre-attaquent

The Worms Strike Back

June 5, 1998

The Blob That Ate Everyone

Le Mangeur d'hommes

The Eater of Men

July 3, 1998

The Horror at Camp Jellyjam

La Colo de tous les dangers

The Camp of all Dangers

September 15, 1998

Monster Blood

Sang de monstre

Monster Blood

October 9, 1998

Beware, the Snowman

Abominables bonshommes des neiges

Abominable Snowmen

November 2, 1998

Cry of the Cat

Danger, chat méchant!

Beware of the Bad Cat!

December 3, 1998

I Live in Your Basement!

La Bête de la Cave

The Beast of the Cellar

January 4, 1999

The Haunted School

L'École hantée/Terreur au Collège

The Haunted School/Terror at the Middle School

February 12, 1999

Monster Blood II

Sang de monstre II

Monster Blood II

March 2, 1999

Creature Teacher

Terrible Internat

Dreadful Boarding School

April 1, 1999

Werewolf Skin

La Peau du loup-garou

The Skin of the Werewolf

May 3, 1999

I Am Your Evil Twin

Le Jumeau diabolique

The Evil Twin

June 4, 1999

Fright Camp

Un film d'horreur/ Film d'horreur

An Horror Movie/ Horror Movie

June 24, 1999

Attack of the Graveyard Ghouls

L'Attaque des spectres

The Attack of the Wraiths

August 24, 1999

Headless Halloween

La Fête infernale

The Infernal Party

October 9, 1999

Invasion of the Body Squeezers: Part 1

L'Invasion des extraterrestres I

The Invasion of the Aliens I

November 3, 1999

Invasion of the Body Squeezers: Part 2

L'Invasion des extraterrestres II

The Invasion of the Aliens II

December 16, 1999

Jekyll and Heidi

Le Manoir de la terreur

The Manor of Terror

January 12, 2000

Scream School

Cauchemars en série

Serial Nightmares

February 10, 2000

The Mummy Walks

Ne réveillez pas la momie!

Do Not Wake the Mummy!

March 14, 2000

The Werewolf in the Living Room

Un loup-garou dans la maison !

A Werewolf in the House!

April 13, 2000

Horrors of the Black Ring

La Bague maléfique

The Evil Ring

May 13, 2000

Return to HorrorLand

Retour au parc de l'Horreur

Back to the Horror Park

June 15, 2000

Brain Juice

Concentré de cerveau

Brain Concentrate

July 4, 2000

Return to Ghost Camp

Sous l’œil de l'écorcheur

Under the Eye of the Flayer

September 13, 2000

Goosebumps Haunted Library

Halloween, une fête d'enfer

Trois histoires terrifiantes et mille idees pour faire la fête

Halloween, a Hell of a Party

Three Terrifying Tales and a Thousand of Ideas for a Party

October 4, 2000

Be Afraid — Be Very Afraid!

Mort de peur

Scared to Death

November 15, 2000

The Haunted Car

La Voiture hantée

The Haunted Car

December 12, 2000

Full Moon Fever

La Fièvre de la pleine-lune

The Fever of the Full Moon

February 13, 2001

Earth Geeks Must Go!

Kidnappés dans l'espace!

Kidnapped in Space!

March 13, 2001

Egg Monsters from Mars

L'Attaque des œufs de Mars

Attack of the Eggs from Mars

April 10, 2001

The Curse of Camp Cold Lake

Frissons en eau trouble

Chills in Murky Water

May 16, 2001

Tales to Give You Goosebumps

Les Vacances de l'angoisse

The Holidays of Anguish

June 6, 2001

Attack of the Jack-O'-Lanterns

La Nuit des disparitions

The Night of Disappearances

September 4, 2001

Ghost in the Mirror

Le Fantôme du miroir

The Ghost of the Mirror

November 13, 2001

  1. The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb
  2. Night of the Living Dummy
  3. Say Cheese and Die!
  4. Let's Get Invisible!
  5. Why I'm Afraid of Bees
  6. Welcome to Dead House
  7. Deep Trouble
  8. Ghost Beach
  9. The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight
  10. Welcome to Camp Nightmare
  11. The Haunted Mask
  12. Phantom of the Auditorium
  13. The Werewolf of Fever Swamp
  14. Night of the Living Dummy II
  15. Attack of the Mutant
  16. The Ghost Next Door
  17. Stay Out of the Basement
  18. A Night in Terror Tower
  19. Piano Lessons Can Be Murder
  20. Be Careful What You Wish For...
  21. It Came from Beneath the Sink!
  22. Return of the Mummy
  23. The Haunted Mask II
  24. The Cuckoo Clock of Doom
  25. One Day at HorrorLand
  26. The Girl Who Cried Monster
  27. How I Got My Shrunken Head
  28. A Shocker on Shock Street
  29. The Headless Ghost
  30. My Hairiest Adventure
  31. Say Cheese and Die — Again!
  32. Ghost Camp
  33. Legend of the Lost Legend
  34. How to Kill a Monster
  35. Bad Hare Day
  36. The Beast from the East
  37. Don't Go to Sleep!
  38. Calling All Creeps!
  39. Vampire Breath
  40. Go Eat Worms!
  41. The Blob That Ate Everyone
  42. The Horror at Camp Jellyjam
  43. Monster Blood
  44. Beware, the Snowman
  45. Cry of the Cat
  46. I Live in Your Basement!
  47. The Haunted School
  48. Monster Blood II
  49. Creature Teacher
  50. Werewolf Skin
  51. I Am Your Evil Twin
  52. Fright Camp
  53. Attack of the Graveyard Ghouls
  54. Headless Halloween
  55. Invasion of the Body Squeezers: Part 1
  56. Invasion of the Body Squeezers: Part 2
  57. Jekyll and Heidi
  58. Scream School
  59. The Mummy Walks
  60. The Werewolf in the Living Room
  61. Horrors of the Black Ring
  62. Return to HorrorLand
  63. Brain Juice
  64. Return to Ghost Camp
  65. Goosebumps Haunted Library
  66. Be Afraid — Be Very Afraid!
  67. The Haunted Car
  68. Full Moon Fever
  69. Earth Geeks Must Go!
  70. Egg Monsters from Mars
  71. The Curse of Camp Cold Lake
  72. Tales to Give You Goosebumps
  73. Attack of the Jack-O'-Lanterns
  74. Ghost in the Mirror

Untranslated Books[]

The following list contains all of the books from both the original series and Series 2000 that have yet to be released in France in its original run and any subsequent re-releases.

Chair de Poule Illustré[]

Chair de Poule Illustré is a collection of stories from the Tales to Give You Goosebumps series, more precisely the books Tales to Give You Goosebumps, More Tales to Give You Goosebumps, Even More Tales to Give You Goosebumps, Still More Tales to Give You Goosebumps and More & More & More Tales to Give You Goosebumps. Strangely, the numbering went from 101 to 106.

No. Book Title Publish date

"The Werewolf's First Night"

Chair de poule illustre Les griffes de l homme loup
"Les Griffes de l'Homme-Loup"

"The Claws of the Wolfman"

October 10, 2001

"The Perfect School"

"La Punition de la Mort"

"The Punishment of Death"

October 10, 2001

"Good Friends"

"On ne touche pas aux tarentules!"

"Do not touch the tarantulas!"

March 27, 2002

"The Scarecrow"

"L'Épouvantail Maléfique"

"The Evil Scarecrow"

June 12, 2002

"The Ice Vampire"

"Le Vampire de Glace"

"The Ice Vampire"

April 25, 2003


"La Télécommande Diabolique"

"The Diabolical Remote Control"

April 25, 2003

8 Nouvelles de Chair de Poule[]

8 Nouvelles de Chair de Poule is a standalone Goosebumps book that compiled eight stories from the books Even More Tales to Give You Goosebumps and More & More & More Tales to Give You Goosebumps. The book was released exclusively in France in 1999. Included were the following stories:

Chair de Poule: Á Jouer: La Maison Du Vampire[]

La Maison Du Vampire (The Vampire House) is a France-exclusive Goosebumps book and board game. The story featured three siblings, Quinton, Ninon, Elric and their dog Monty, who are trapped in the cellar of a vampire's house. The players have to traverse through the vampire house and neutralize the vampire, while also avoiding the evil Mr. Dabyra and his prowling monster. The game contained a book, a game board and playing cards. Despite being a licensed Goosebumps product, R.L. Stine had no input in its creation. The game book was written by French author Jean-Luc Bizien, with cover and interior illustrations by Donald Grant. Graphic designs for the game were illustrated by Franck Ancard.

Chair de Poule HorrorLand[]

Chair de Poule HorrorLand is the French translation of the Goosebumps HorrorLand series, released between 2009 and 2015. While the name of the theme park was translated to Le Parc de l'Horreur (the Horror Park) in the One Day at HorrorLand and Return to HorrorLand translations, they kept the HorrorLand name through the entire series.

No. Book Title Publish date

Revenge of the Living Dummy

Monsieur Méchant-Garçon!

Mister Bad-Boy!

June 2, 2009

Creep from the Deep

Fantômes en Eaux Profondes

Ghosts in Deep Waters

June 2, 2009

Monster Blood for Breakfast!

Sang de Monstre au Petit Déjeuner

Monster Blood for Breakfast

October 22, 2009

The Scream of the Haunted Mask

Chair de Poule Horrorland 04 Le Cri du Masque Hanté (Version 1)
Le Cri du Masque Hanté

The Scream of the Haunted Mask

February 2, 2010

Dr. Maniac vs. Robby Schwartz

Dr. Maniac vs. Robby Schwartz - French cover - L'abominable Doc Maniac
L'abominable Doc Maniac!

The Abominable Doc Maniac!

May 25, 2010

Who's Your Mummy?

Le Secret de la Salle aux Momies

The Secret of the Mummies Room

October 10, 2010

My Friends Call Me Monster

La Créature Gluante

The Gluey Creature

February 24, 2011

Say Cheese — and Die Screaming!

Say Cheese — and Die Screaming! - French cover
L'Appareil Photo Maléfique

The Evil Camera

October 13, 2011

Welcome to Camp Slither

Le Serpent du Camp Ython

The Snake of Camp Ython

March 1, 2012

Help! We Have Strange Powers!

L'Effroyable Mme Destin

The Frightful Mrs. Destiny

July 5, 2012

Escape from HorrorLand

Escape from HorrorLand - French cover
Fuyez HorrorLand!

Flee Horrorland!

October 11, 2012

The Streets of Panic Park

The Streets of Panic Park - French cover - Terreur a Panik Park
Terreur à Panik Park!

Terror in Panik Park!

April 10, 2013

When the Ghost Dog Howls

Les Hurlements du Chien Fantôme

The Howls of the Ghost Dog

June 27, 2013

Little Shop of Hamsters

Les Hamsters Diaboliques

The Diabolical Hamsters

November 25, 2013

Heads, You Lose!

Le Prince sans Tête

The Prince Without a Head

March 20, 2014

Weirdo Halloween

L'Extraterrestre de la Planète Cinglée

The Extraterrestrial of the Loony Planet

June 11, 2014

The Wizard of Ooze

Ooze, le Magicien de Boue

Ooze, the Mud Magician

October 14, 2014

Slappy New Year!

Un Réveillon avec Monsieur Méchant-Garçon!

An Eve with Mister Bad-Boy!

March 19, 2015

The Horror at Chiller House

Horreur au Magasin Lépouvanteur

Horror at the Spook Store

June 16, 2015

Chair de Poule Le Château de l'Horreur[]

Chair de Poule Le Château de l'Horreur (Goosebumps The Castle of Horror) is the French translation of the Goosebumps Hall of Horrors mini-series, and was released between 2015 and 2017.

No. Book Title Publish date


Claws! - French Cover - Le château de l'horreur
Gare aux Coups de Griffes!

Beware of Scratches!

September 24, 2015

Night of the Giant Everything

La Nuit des Créatures Géantes

Night of the Giant Creatures

March 9, 2016

The Five Masks of Dr. Screem

The Five Masks of Dr. Screem Special Edition - French Cover - Les cinq masques du docteur Vocifer
Les Cinq Masques du Docteur Vocifer

The Five Masks of Doctor Clammor

June 15, 2016

Why I Quit Zombie School

Why I Quit Zombie School - French Cover
L'École des Zombies

The School of Zombies

November 16, 2016

Don't Scream!

Don't Scream! - Italian Cover
Interdit de Crier!

Forbidden to Shout!

March 22, 2017

The Birthday Party of No Return!

Une Fête Mortelle

A Deadly Party

June 21, 2017

Chair de Poule Monsterland[]

Chair de Poule Le Château de l'Horreur (Goosebumps Monsterland) is the French translation of the Goosebumps Most Wanted series, and was released between 2017 and 2021. It is separated in two seasons : the first for the main series and the second for the Special Editions.

No. Book Title Publish date
Chair de Poule Monsterland: Saison 1

Planet of the Lawn Gnomes

L'invasion des nains de jardin

Invasion of the Lawn Gnomes

September 27, 2017

Son of Slappy

Le Fils de Slappy

The Son of Slappy

September 27, 2017

How I Met My Monster

Chair de Poule Monsterland 3
Comment j'ai rencontré mon monstre

How I Met My Monster

February 14, 2018

Frankenstein's Dog

Goosebumps Frankenstein's Dog French
Le Chien de Frankenstein

Frankenstein's Dog

June 20, 2018

Dr. Maniac Will See You Now

Chair de Poule Monsterland 5
Le Dr Maniac va vous recevoir

The Dr. Maniac will receive you

February 6, 2019

Creature Teacher: The Final Exam

Creature Teacher Final Exam French
La Prof de la mort

The Teacher of Death

June 12, 2019

A Nightmare on Clown Street

Cauchemar au Cirque

Nightmare in the Circus

September 10, 2019

Night of the Puppet People

Night of the Puppet People French
La Nuit des Marionnettes Géantes

Night of the Giant Marionettes

February 12, 2020

Here Comes the Shaggedy

Chair de Poule Monsterland 9 - La creature des marais
La Créature Des Marais

The Creature of the Swamps

June 3, 2020

The Lizard of Oz

Chair de Poule Monsterland - Le Reptilien dOz
Le Reptilien d'Oz

The Reptilian of Oz

April 14, 2021
Chair de Poule Monsterland: Saison 2

Zombie Halloween

Les Zombies d'Halloween
Les zombies d'Halloween

The Halloween Zombies

October 6, 2021
