Chair de Poule is the French Canadian name of the Goosebumps book series. Released in 1993, the series was published by Les Éditions Héritage. The title of the book series shares the same name as the other French series, but unlike those French releases, the books featured the original artwork and slime border design of the North American releases.
60 of the original books were released in the series, as well as several books in the Give Yourself Goosebumps line. The series would also see reprints in the mid-2000s, which included one book from Series 2000, Brain Juice.
List of Books[]
No. | Book | Title | Publish date | Publisher |
1 |
Sang de Monstre
Monster Blood |
1993 | Les Editions Heritage |
2 |
Sous-sol Interdit !
Forbidden Basement! |
1993 | Les Edition Heritage |
3 |
D'étranges Photos
Strange Pictures |
1993 | Les Edition Heritage |
4 |
La Maison de Saint-Lugubre
The House of Saint-Lugubre |
1993 | Les Edition Heritage |
5 |
Prisoniers du Miroir
Prisonners of the Mirror |
1993 | Les Edition Heritage |
6 |
Le Tombeau de la Momie
The Tomb of the Mummy |
1993 | Les Edition Heritage |
7 |
Le Pantin Diablolique
The Diabolical Puppet |
N/A | Les Edition Heritage |
8 |
La Fille Qui Criait au Monstre
The Girl Who Screamed at the Monster |
N/A | Les Edition Heritage |
9 |
Le Fantôme D'a Côté
The Ghost Next Door |
N/A | Les Edition Heritage |
10 |
Bienvenue au Camp de la Peur
Welcome to Fear Camp |
N/A | Les Edition Heritage |
11 |
Le Masque Hantee
The Haunted Mask |
N/A | Les Edition Heritage |
12 | Be Careful What You Wish For... |
Joëlle, l'oiseau de malheur
Joelle, Bringer of Misfortune |
N/A | Les Edition Heritage |
13 |
La Mort au Bout des Doigts
Death at Your Fingertips |
N/A | Les Edition Heritage |
14 |
Le Loup-garou du Marais
The Werewolf of the Swamp |
N/A | Les Edition Heritage |
15 |
Je n'ai Peur de Rien!
I'm Not Scared of Anything! |
N/A | Les Edition Heritage |
16 |
Une Journée À Horreurville
A Journey in Horrorville |
N/A | Les Edition Heritage |
17 |
Pris au Piège!
Trapped! |
N/A | Les Edition Heritage |
18 |
Sang de Monstre II
Monster Blood II |
N/A | Les Edition Heritage |
19 |
Terreur dans le Récif
Terror in the Reef |
N/A | Les Edition Heritage |
20 | The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight |
la balade des épouvantails
The Scarecrow's Walk |
N/A | Les Edition Heritage |
21 |
Les Vers Contre-Attaquent
The Worms Strike Back |
N/A | Les Edition Heritage |
22 |
La Plage Hantée
The Haunted Beach |
N/A | Les Edition Heritage |
23 | La Colère de la Momie
The Wrath of the Mummy |
N/A | Les Edition Heritage | |
24 | Un Fantôme dans les Coulisses
A Ghost Behind the Scenes |
N/A | Les Edition Heritage | |
25 | Le Mutant Masqué
The Masked Mutant |
N/A | Les Edition Heritage | |
26 | Les Cobayes du Docteur Piteboule
Doctor Piteboule's Guinea Pigs |
N/A | Les Edition Heritage | |
27 | Les Pierres Magiques
The Magic Stones |
1996 | Les Edition Heritage | |
28 | L’Horloge Enchantée
The Enchanted Clock |
1996 | Les Edition Heritage | |
29 | Sang de Monstre II
Monster Blood III |
1996 | Les Edition Heritage | |
30 | It Came From Beneath the Sink! |
Le Monstre Sous L'évier
The Monster Under the Sink |
1996 | Les Edition Heritage |
31 | Le Pantin Diabolique II
The Diabolical Doll II |
1996 | Les Edition Heritage | |
32 | Les Chiens Fantômes
The Ghost Dogs |
1996 | Les Edition Heritage | |
33 | Le Masque Hanté II
The Haunted Mask II |
1996 | Les Edition Heritage | |
34 | Le Fantôme Sans Tête
The Headless Ghost |
1996 | Les Edition Heritage | |
35 | Chez les Réducteurs de Têtes
At the Head Reducers |
1996 | Les Edition Heritage | |
36 | The Abominable Snowman of Pasadena |
L'Abominable Homme des Neiges
The Abominable Snowman |
1996 | Les Edition Heritage |
37 | Le Pantin Diabolique III
The Diabolical Doll III |
1996 | Les Edition Heritage | |
38 | Un magicien Plein de Malice
A Magician Full of Mischief |
1996 | Les Edition Heritage | |
39 | Un Oeuf Étrange Venu De Mars
A Strange Egg From Mars |
1996 | Les Edition Heritage | |
40 | La Revanche Des Lutins
Revenge of the Leprechauns |
1996 | Les Edition Heritage | |
41 | Le Secret du Camp Gélatino
The Secret of Camp Gelatino |
1996 | Les Edition Heritage | |
42 | Sensations Fortes, Rue du Choc!
Strong Sensations, Shock Street! |
1996 | Les Edition Heritage | |
43 | Le Jeu Monstreux
The Monstrous Game |
1996 | Les Edition Heritage | |
44 | Attack of the Jack-O'-Lanterns |
Les Citrouelles Attaquent!
The Pumpkins are Attacking! |
N/A | Les Edition Heritage |
45 | D'étranges Photos II
Strange Pictures II |
N/A | Les Edition Heritage | |
46 | Prends Garde au Bonhomme de Neige!
Beware of the Snowmen |
N/A | Les Edition Heritage | |
47 | Comment Se Débarrasser D'un Monstre
How to Get Rid of a Monster |
N/A | Les Edition Heritage | |
48 | À La Recherche de la Légende Perdue
In Search of the Lost Legend |
N/A | Les Edition Heritage | |
49 | Haleine de Vampire
Vampire Breath |
N/A | Les Edition Heritage | |
50 | Quand les Poules Auront des Dents
When the Hens Have Teeth |
1997 | Les Edition Heritage | |
51 | Message À Tous Les Affreux
A Message to All the Awful |
March 24, 1998 | Les Edition Heritage | |
52 | Comment J'ai Appris À Voler
How I Learned to Fly |
1998 | Les Edition Heritage | |
53 | Quand les Esprits s'en Mêlent!
When the Spirits Get Involved! |
1998 | Les Edition Heritage | |
54 | La Malédiction du Lac Glacé
The Curse of the Frozen Lake |
1997 | Les Edition Heritage | |
55 | Ne T'endors Surtout Pas!
Don't Fall Asleep! |
1998 | Les Edition Heritage | |
56 | Un Monstre Plus Vrai que Nature
A Monster Larger Than Nature |
1998 | Les Edition Heritage | |
57 | Un Ami Invisible
My Invisible Friend |
October 6, 1997 | Les Edition Heritage | |
58 | Terreur dans le Récif II
Terror in the Reef II |
N/A | Les Edition Heritage | |
59 | Dans la peau d'un loup-garou
In the Skin of a Werewolf |
1998 | Les Edition Heritage | |
60 | Qui se cache au sous-sol?
Who is Hiding in the Basement? |
February 1999 | Les Edition Heritage |
- Monster Blood
- Stay Out of the Basement
- Say Cheese and Die!
- Welcome to Dead House'
- Let's Get Invisible!'
- The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb
- Night of the Living Dummy
- The Girl Who Cried Monster
- The Ghost Next Door
- Welcome to Camp Nightmare
- The Haunted Mask
- Be Careful What You Wish For...
- Piano Lessons Can Be Murder
- The Werewolf of Fever Swamp
- You Can't Scare Me!
- One Day at HorrorLand
- Why I'm Afraid of Bees
- Monster Blood II
- Deep Trouble
- The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight
- Go Eat Worms!
- Ghost Beach
- Return of the Mummy
- Phantom of the Auditorium
- Attack of the Mutant
- My Hairiest Adventure
- A Night in Terror Tower
- The Cuckoo Clock of Doom
- Monster Blood III
- It Came from Beneath the Sink!
- Night of the Living Dummy II
- The Barking Ghost
- The Haunted Mask II
- The Headless Ghost
- How I Got My Shrunken Head
- The Abominable Snowman Of Pasadena
- Night of the Living Dummy III
- Bad Hare Day
- Egg Monsters from Mars
- Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes
- The Horror at Camp Jellyjam
- A Shocker on Shock Street
- The Beast from the East
- Attack of the Jack-O'-Lanterns
- Say Cheese and Die — Again!
- Beware, the Snowman
- How to Kill a Monster
- Legend of the Lost Legend
- Vampire Breath
- Chicken Chicken
- Calling All Creeps!
- How I Learned to Fly
- Ghost Camp
- The Curse of Camp Cold Lake
- Don't Go To Sleep!
- The Blob That Ate Everyone
- My Best Friend Is Invisible
- Deep Trouble II
- Werewolf Skin
- I Live in Your Basement!
Chair de Poule Extra[]
No. | Book | Title | Publish date | Publisher |
1 | Escape from the Carnival of Horrors |
La Foire aux Horreurs
The Fair of Horrors |
N/A | Les Editions Heritage |
2 |
Tic Toc, Bienvenue Au Enfer
Tic Toc, Welcome to Hell |
N/A | Les Editions Heritage |
3 |
Le Manoir de La Chauve-Souris
The Manor of the Bat |
N/A | Les Editions Heritage |
4 | The Deadly Experiments of Dr. Eeek |
Les Terribles Experiments Du Docteur Onk
The Terrible Experiments of Doctor Onk |
N/A | Les Editions Heritage |
5 |
Perdus Dans La Forêt De Loups-Garous
Lost in the Werewolves Forest |
N/A | Les Editions Heritage |
6 |
Les Sortilèges d'un Magicien Maléfique
The Spells of an Evil Magician |
N/A | Les Editions Heritage |
7 | Beware of the Purple Peanut Butter |
Mauve, Visqueux et Dangereux
Purple, Viscous and Dangerous! |
N/A | Les Editions Heritage |
8 | The Curse of the Creeping Coffin |
La Balade des Pierres Tombales
The Walk of Tombstones |
N/A | Les Editions Heritage |
9 |
L'Armure Hantée du Chevalier Maudit
The Haunted Armor of the Cursed Knight |
N/A | Les Editions Heritage |
10 |
Journal intime d'une Momie en Délire
Diary of a Delirious Mummy |
N/A | Les Editions Heritage |
11 |
Au Fond de la Jungle Ensorcelée
Deep in the Bewitched Jungle |
N/A | Les Editions Heritage |
12 | Attack of the Beastly Baby-Sitter |
La Gardienne la Plus Bête en Ville!
The Stupidest Guardian in Town! |
N/A | Les Editions Heritage |
13 |
La Petite boutique aux horreurs
Little Shop With Horrors |
N/A | Les Editions Heritage |
14 |
La Plainte du Génie Malfaisant
The Nefarious Genie's Lament |
N/A | Les Editions Heritage |
- Escape from the Carnival of Horrors
- Tick Tock, You're Dead!
- Trapped in Bat Wing Hall
- The Deadly Experiments of Dr. Eeek
- Night in Werewolf Woods
- Under the Magician's Spell
- Beware of the Purple Peanut Butter
- The Curse of the Creeping Coffin
- The Knight in Screaming Armor
- Diary of a Mad Mummy
- Deep in the Jungle of Doom
- Attack of the Beastly Baby-Sitter
- Little Comic Shop of Horrors
- Scream of the Evil Genie