Goosebumps Wiki

Frankenstein's Dog is the fourth book in the Goosebumps Most Wanted series. It was published in in 2013.

The cover art shows a cute but horrifying stitched up dog.


Kat is reluctant to visit her uncle Vic Frankenstein because of all the rumors about him. But Kat is relieved to find that even though he lives in a dark, old castle-like mansion, Uncle Vic is a quiet, gentle man, a scientist interested in building robots with artificial intelligence. Also, Kat loves Poochie, Vic's small, adorable, fluffy white dog. But after an accident occurs in her uncle's lab, strange things begin to happen. Has Kat created a monster? Or is something else responsible for the horror that is unleashed?


International releases

No. Book Country/Language Translated title Release date Publisher

프랑켄슈타인의 개

Frankenstein's Dog - Korean Cover - 프랑켄슈타인의 개
South Korea


Frankenstein's Dog October 29, 2015 Gorilla Box


  • The surname of Vic Frankenstein is an obvious allusion to the classic horror icon Frankenstein.
  • Portions of this book (the scenes in which characters grow to huge sizes) are similar to the books Monster Blood and Beware of the Purple Peanut Butter.
    • One storyline from Beware of the Purple Peanut Butter is incredibly similar to the storyline of Frankenstein's Dog; in both stories the main character is forbidden from going into a basement, decides to enter anyways, consumes food that is in there, and then begins to grow to giant sizes as a result.
  • The title and cover could be viewed as misleading because Poochie is not the true villain of the story. The dog is more of a plot device than an actual villain.
  • Like Jekyll and Heidi, this story is also about a scientist who has the same name as a scientist from a fictional story.